Friday, February 29, 2008

8th Session

I arrived at the school 10 minutes before the session was to start, it was drizzling but it eventually stopped luckily it was just a passing shower. I set my session up with some cones but the wind was far too strong, so i just had to improvise with the different colour lines on the court. I had 6 girls arrive 10 minutes into the session i did a quick warm up just some light jogging to each third red line and back adding some side steps, high knees, lunges and backwards running. After that i then gathered the girls in a circle and did alot of static stretching , stretching all the muscles from head to toe.
We started by getting all the girls paired up and i did a quick reaction time drill,
(in pairs 1 girl has the ball (feeder) and the other girl sits on the floor (worker) just 2 meters in front. the feeder has to shout left or right (the
workers left or right) as the worker stands up in which the feeder passes the ball ahead to the direction shouted forcing the worker to jump up and stretch to the ball). Repeated this exercise until 10 catches were done then they were to swap over roles so everyone has a go at being both the worker and the feeder.
The next drill was again in pairs 1 worker and feeder, this time it involved the worker running to the feeder touching the left foot of the feeder but always keeping an eye on the ball, then the worker is to sprint back to where she started receiving a high ball from the feeder. It is repeated so the worker touches in between the toes (both l & R) and to the right foot and back, repeat circuit 3 times then again change the roles over in the pairs so both again get a chance of being both the worker and the feeder. After that exercise we went into a little 3 vs 3 game trying to put into practise what was learn
ed in the drills, Which was reaction time getting the ball on time and trying to read where the ball is going to. Also the game practise gives the girls practice at moving around into space, passing, defending and shooting. 10 minutes before the end i stopped the game and performed a quick cool down just doing some light jogging and stretching. Looking at this session they have used alot within hand eye co-ordination and that is a positive as this is rather vital in a game of netball.

Hand eye co-ordination

"Hand-eye coordination is the ability of the vision system to coordinate the information received through the eyes to control, guide, and direct the hands in the accomplishment of a given task, such as handwriting or catching a ball. Hand-eye coordination uses the eyes to direct attention and the hands to execute a task." (health of

"Hand and eye co-ordination is usually acquired by the age of 10 in most boys and by the age of 6 or 7 in girls." (yahoo answers) This is because girls play lots of games requiring hand/eye co-ordination including jumping and skipping and as a result they are usually physically advanced by the time they reach age 10.
"Everytime you preform a catch your brain registers that, and supplys that infomation for future catch the only way to improve is practice." (yahoo answers)

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