Monday, February 11, 2008

6th session

I arrived 15 minutes before they session started so i could set up the circuit training session i planned. i placed 5 cones in a straight line where they had to run forwards and backwards through them, then they had to run to the next cone about 3 meters in front. once they got to that cone they had to do 5 sit ups or press ups, then placed to left was 8 cones placed diagonally where they had to run zig-zag to the cones. Once they get to the last cone they are to sprint right to the blue cone i placed 10 meters away, to the side of that cone is a hula hoop where the children were to step into the hoop and pull it over there body and keep repeating the circuit until i tell them to stop. The diagram below shows the circuit.

The children arrived and i made the 5 of the children jog around the court while i shout left or right making them run but try and touch the ground when i shouted which means either their left or right hand, also doing some static stretches after. They then stood in a line behind the start of the circuit and when i shouted for each of them to go they would start the circuit. after 15 minutes of doing the circuit i changed the routine so the first 6 cones they had to step 2 feet over each of the cones then run to the cone 3 meters infront and jump 10 times forwards and backwards over the line, then when they approached the 8 diagional cones they had to turn their back onto the cones doing backwards side steps in a zig-zag action. Then the same again when at the last cone sprint and through the hoop, that was repeated for another 15 minutes. after that i was left with 5 children, so i grabbed another 5 cones and placed them randomly around the shooting circle. 1 at a time using the shooting technique, they were to shoot at each cone and see how many shots they would get in and i would randomly perform this once in 3 weeks to check on the progress.

Again 3 of the girls had to leave for dinner so i was left with 2 girls i just did some long distance throwing with them practising shoulder passes and also over head passes, which left us with 5 minutes left which was made for the cool down getting their muscles and body to cool down after the session.

Results of the 5 shoots taken by the remaining 5 girls (week 1);

Lucy - 0/5

Charlotte - 1/5

Louise - 1/5

Alex - 2/5

Erin - 3/5

Circuit training

"Circuit training is an excellent way to improve mobility, strength and stamina.The total number of circuits performed during a training session may vary from two to six depending on your training level (beginner, intermediate, or advanced), your period of training (preparation or competition) and your training objective." (Brian mac)

Advantages of circuit training are:

  • Develops strength and endurance
  • Appropriate form of training for most sports
  • Can be adjusted to suit age, fitness and health of the athlete
  • Exercises are simple enough to make each athlete feel a sense of achievement in completing them
  • A wide range of exercises to select from which will maintain the athlete's enthusiasm

Disadvantages of circuit training are:

  • Many exercises require specialised equipment - e.g. gym equipment
  • Ample space required to set up the circuit exercises & equipment
  • In general can only be conducted where appropriate facilities/equipment are available
  • Use of additional equipment requires appropriate health and safety monitoring

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