Monday, February 25, 2008

7th Session

I arrived at Westoe crown primary school 10 minutes before the session started, i set out my session ready for the girls. I had to wait another 10 minutes before they arrived as they were at choir practise. When the girls arrived i had 2 new starters so i overall had 7 girls in today's session. Like always i began with a warm up getting the girls to run around the court, again shouting left and right making them put their hands on the ground, running backwards, jumping in the air etc. Doing some static stretching afterwards as well. They got into pairs and they were told to do some simple passing making the distance further to make the passes harder. Interception work was the next practise in the session where the children had to pass the ball to a static player while the rest one by one run towards the static player intercepting the pass i try to give to the static player.

Then having 2 runners and the 1 defender, the runners run out diagonally while the defender has to dominate 1 of the runners defending and blocking her which means i have to force the ball out to the other runner. This is repeated until everyone has had a go at trying to defend. We then moved onto a game playing a 3 vs 3 getting them moving around dodging players and defending others while also trying to shoot. 5 minutes left to the end of the session, so do a quick cool down before they go back into their lessons.


Firstly, make sure you're three feet away from the shooter, and secondly make sure you don't touch the ball while they are still holding it. When you're trying to put the shooter off, take a strong position three feet away and stretch your arm over the ball to make things as hard as possible for your opponent. You need to be thinking in terms of creating a barrier between the post and the ball - you are that barrier!
When you're trying to intercept a shot, try to guess when the shooter's going to release the ball. A good idea is to look at their elbow as it'll move just before they shoot. If they do get the shot in, don't give up! Remember to reposition yourself for the rebound. (bbc)

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