Friday, February 8, 2008

5th Session

I arrived exactly 5 minutes before the session began which means i was running late, so i only had 5 minutes preparation time to set up the session. As from previous sessions there were only 4 or 5 children attending the session., so i had planned out a little session that would be suitable for the amount of people that had turned up. At first i had a quick little warm up that took place, and then 2 of the girls had to go for their lunch, so again i was left with only 3 girls. Which i had to change the session, so i began to do some shooting and defending practises.

All of a sudden about 25 children came towards me saying they had signed up for the netball so i had to start again from the start with doing the warm up and did a little ball skill session with them. I then moved onto a little reaction time fun activity with them as these were different children from the other session so they had not done this practise before. I did not get the whole of this practise delivered as i ran out of time, but for the next session i will be more ready and prepared for the amount of children i have turning up.

Contingency planning and action plans

This is where the coach of a session should be well prepared for anything that might prevent them from providing their coaching session. Coaches should have a back up of their session in case anything stops them from participating in it factors which may affect this are things such as, the weather if it is an outdoor session, the amount of participants you get in a session, if equipment you have is faulty or broke etc. To make this successful coaches should always have an acttion plan of the coaching session ahead to make them prepared in case anything does interupt the session in any way.
This photo shows a basic diagram of what is expecting when planning a contingency plan or action plan, it involves talking to the participants getting their ideas and your own personal ideas of what they need and want within coaching sessions, objectives and factors that may help improve or may distract your coaching sessions in any way and what opportunities the participants will have at the end of each session and programmes.

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