Monday, March 3, 2008

9th Session

I arrived 15 minutes before the session, i set it up with cones in the correct place. 5 minutes into the session this time 2 girls arrived so we started doing a warm up, where i made them using the red and blue lines only run around on the lines after doing about 3 minutes of running i gathered them together and did some static stretching, stretching again all the muscles. The first drill i had set out was 6 cones placed diagonally, one by one with a ball they had to pass to me then run touch the first cone, then run and touch the second cone etc. all the way to the last (6th) cone, but as they are running and touching the cones they must always keep their eyes on the ball as I'm going to pass the ball back to them during when they are running when they least expect it, then they pass back, but i might repeat passing the ball to them more than once so i know they are focusing and keeping an eye on the ball. Half way through this drill another 2 girls came and joined in the drill.
The next drill i had set up was an attacking drill where again they had a ball each with starting cones on the first third line, they were to pass me the ball and sprint towards the shooting circle, i will pass the ball to them and they have to try and catch the ball and stop before falling into the circle. The pass will be put ahead of the player so it makes it harder for them to catch the ball which increases them to stretch ahead. Different passes was made to keep them aware of what was happening and wher
e the ball was going.
Once finished that drill i moved onto a shooting drill it's very competitive and is called killer.

Killer is where the 2 players at the front of the semi circle have the ball to start, the 1st person will shoot first if they miss the shot they have to quickly run towards the direction of the ball and catch the ball and try to get as close to the post as they can and keep shooting until they score, meanwhile the 2nd person with the ball has to shoot straight away as soon as the 1st person has shoot this is because as soon as the 2nd person shoots and if they score or if they miss but manage to get the ball and score before the 1st person does the 1st person is out. Then the ball goes to the other people in the Que at the top of semi circle, and they do the same until there is only 2 left then that's the final. If however the person who goes 1st scores before the 2nd person the 2nd person is still in as they went 2nd, so the 1st person when they score passes the ball into the front of the Que and that person will have to try and shoot out the other person still shooting.

After that i put everything they had learned in the drills and put them into a game 2 vs 2, again getting them to use some defending, dodging, passing and shooting. 5 were minutes left, so i did a quick cool down some light jogging and some stretching.

Competition Activities

"What all sports competitions have in common is that all of the competitors want to win. But usually only one person or team does." (kids "Competition can make sports more exciting. But because somebody wins and somebody loses, competition also can make kids feel pressure. A little pressure can be OK. Too much pressure is bad news." (kids

The whole part of the competition fun activities is so that the children can have plenty of opportunities for having fun with their friends and most importantly learning new skills.

"Above all, kids should learn to treat everyone with courtesy and respect whether they win or lose. Ideally, while engaged in competition, a child will learn that winning isn't important; what is important is putting forth the best effort possible. Then, as the child grows older and realizes that sustained effort leads to improved performance, she'll learn to compete against the worthiest opponent of all—herself."
(Villaire, T) Villaire - Competition and Kids: It's Not About Winning)

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