Monday, March 31, 2008

17th session

I arrived 10 minutes before the session, i set out the start drill to the same pass and run exercise, to my surprise only 2 girls turned up 15 minutes into the session this was not enough to do the pass and run drill. Luckily for me there were about 4 boys near by wanting to play with the basket ball hoops, so i kindly asked them if they would like to join in the session, they said yes they would which was great. So we started doing the pass and running drill.
From then on we moved into a little game as i no the children did not have much time left for them to go to their dinners, so 10 minutes into the game they had to leave for their dinner. When playing against the boys the girls found it rather hard as they were alot faster and stronger. But unlike the girls the boys struggled on footwork, keeping their feet still and also bouncing the ball alot, which i think that's just from the fact they do alot of basketball which the rules are rather different from netball in footwork and bouncing the ball. I had to leave the session early again 15 minutes before the end as the girls did not turn up after their dinner.


One of the trickiest rules to remember in netball is getting your footwork right. If a player catches the ball with only one foot on the ground then that foot is called the landing foot. A player can then choose to step with the other foot, lift the landing foot and throw the ball before the landing foot returns to the ground. Or they can pivot on the landing foot and move the other foot any number of times - depending on how flexible the player is!

But they are NOT allowed to move or hop on the landing foot until they have thrown the ball. A player can also jump, switching from the landing foot to their other one, and then jump again to throw the ball. If a player has both feet on the floor when catching the ball they will choose their landing foot and follow the rules as above. If a player breaks the footwork rule it is usually called stepping and a free pass is awarded.

Netball: landing

When you land on two feet in netball you can then choose which foot will be your landing foot.

So the two-footed landing gives you more options for your next move.


As you jump or run to catch the ball keep your eye firmly fixed on it.

Catch it with your thumbs pointed upwards and towards the eyes. Bring your arms back into your body so you take the force out of the pass.

You can improve this move by turning in the air before you land to keep defenders guessing.


To regain your balance you have to absorb the energy from your jump.

Bend your knees and flex your ankles as both feet hit the floor. Try to land on the balls of your feet, not your heels.

Bring the ball into your body to protect it from watchful defenders.


The beauty of a two-footed landing is that you can decide which foot is your landing foot.

So if you're surrounded by defenders on one side you opt to pivot or step the opposite way.

But once you lift one foot then you have made your decision. You must then pivot, jump or simply step and make your pass.

Friday, March 28, 2008

14th session

Arrived 15 minutes before beginning of the session, which gives me plenty of time to set up. On a Friday i usually get alot more girls than a Monday as all years 4, 5 and 6 are allowed. This session only 6 of the girls showed up all were the year 5's, so i just planned out to repeat the session performed on Monday as it is a good all rounder exercise. It helps develop footwork when landing, it also helps the children to catch and pass, and it also allows them to try and read passes from the feeder to be able to be on top of the ball and catch it with no problems.
Towards the end into 15 minutes of the game the girls got called away for their dinner, they mentioned that they wouldn't be back in time for more netball at the end of the session, so i packed everything up and finished 15 minutes before the session was supposed to finish.


Gross skills: involve large muscle movements, where the major muscle groups are involved. The movements are not very precise, and include many fundamental movement patterns such as walking, running and jumping. The shot putt is an example of a primarily gross skill.

Fine skills: involve intricate movements using small muscle groups, tend to be precise and generally involve high levels of hand-eye coordination. A snooker shot or playing the piano are examples fine skills.

Open skills: sports such as Netball, Football, and Hockey usually involve open skills. This is because the environment is constantly changing and so movements have to be continually adapted. Therefore, skills are predominantly perceptual. The skill is mostly externally paced, for example a pass in football.
Externally paced skills: the environment, which may include opponents, controls the rate of performing the skill. The performer must pay attention to external events in order to control his/her rate of movement. These skills involve reaction, and are usually open skills. i.e. in ball games the performer must time his actions with the actions of other players and the ball.

This continuum is concerned with how well defined the beginning and end of the skill are - discrete, serial and continuous skills.

Discrete skills are brief, well-defined actions that have a clear beginning and end. They are single, specific skills, which make up the actions involved in a variety of sports such as hitting and throwing. Hockey. i.e. a penalty flick in.

Serial Skills are a group of discrete skills strung together to make a new and complex movement. i.e. the sequence of skills for the triple jump.

Continuous skills have no obvious beginning or end. The end of one cycle of movements is the beginning of the next, and the skill is repeated like a cycle. These skills could be stopped at any moment during the performance of the skill. i.e. Swimming, Running, Cycling.

Interactive skills are those performed where other performers are directly involved. e.g. rugby, football, basketball, netball.

A simple skill is one that is straightforward with very few subsections to go through to perform the skill. This skill also requires little concentration and cognitive ability of the performer.

A complex skill involves a large attention span because they are complicated and are practiced in training repeatedly to make it easier to perform in competition.

A low organisation skill is very easy and uncomplicated moves like riding a bike and the phases that make the skill are usually discrete and might be practiced separately to make your technique better. Not as much attention needed.

A high organisation skill have a complex amount of skill involved and you can say that it is many skills closely linked together to make this skill. They cannot be broken down and practiced separately as they are linked closely together. These require large amounts of attention.

A major factor influencing the development of a skill is practice of which there are two main types:

  • Variable - practicing a skill in a variety of different contexts and experiencing the full range of situations in which the technique or tactic might be used in competition. The learner applies the skill to a number of different environments in practice, allowing both the development of the skill and the ability to adapt the skill to a range of possible situations. This is vital for open and interactive skills
  • Fixed - a specific movement is practiced repeatedly, often referred to as a drill. This type of practice is ideal for skills that are always performed in the same way, that do not require adapting to the environment. Closed, interactive and coactive skills tend to require fixed practice to allow the motor sequence to be perfected, since they will remain the same in practice as they will in competition

The organisation of a practice session will depend greatly on those involved and the activity being practiced. Depending on the amount of experience, the skill level and the performer's fitness, practice may be organised in two ways:

  • Massed - the skill is practiced until learnt without taking a break. These sessions are good for athletes with high level of fitness and experience and are most suited to fixed practice
  • Distributed - practice is interspersed with breaks that can either be rest or another skill. These sessions are good for athletes with lower levels of fitness and experience and are most suited to variable practice
(Brian mac)

Friday, March 21, 2008

15th & 16th session

Not on as easter weekend, and schools off school all week.

Monday, March 17, 2008

13th Session

I arrived 20 minutes before i start the session, managed to get all the cones set out and the balls ready. The girls arrived and there were only 4 of them that turned up. We got straight onto a quick little warm up making sure all the muscles were stretched. I then moved onto a pass catch and run exercise. There were 2 cones placed about 5 meters from each other, another 2 girls arrived so we had 6 all together now. Dividing them up into 3's they each had to stand behind the 2 set cones (they were the workers). There was another cone placed opposite the middle of them 2 cones which ( i) the feeder stood to feed the ball. The workers 1 by 1 they threw me the ball they ran into the middle and then once received the ball they passed it to the next person standing at the other cone, the runner then joins the opposite queue and so forth. Once this exercise got sorted the feeder made it harder for the workers by adding different passes, such as high passes, bounce passes etc. To make everyone aware of being able to confidently pass the ball, everyone was given a chance at being the feeder. (this particular drill took half an hour of the session). Game exercise was then taken place, where 4 girls had to run off to their dinner, so we were left with 2 girls. This meant i had to just do a little game with them 2 girls against myself. But to make it easier for them as soon as i got a tip of the ball or catch, they had to take it back to the start and so on. 15 minutes into the game the other 4 girls returned, so we did a 3 vs 3 game for the rest of the session. I just watched the girls play and assessed where they were going wrong etc. Making them aware of what they were doing right and wrong. 2 minutes at the end of the session just did a little cool down with some light jogging.

Ball control

When a player receives a pass they have to act quickly, but they are not allowed to run with the ball or dribble it. A player has to be standing before they throw the ball - it is illegal to chuck the ball when you're kneeling down or sprawled on the floor of the court.
To make sure the game stays pacy and competitive there's the three second rule. This means players have only three seconds between catching the ball and making a pass. (BBC sport, Netball)

Friday, March 14, 2008

12th session

I arrived 15 minutes before the session and set out a few cones for the session. The girls arrived all 5 of them and we performed a little warm up consisting of running, changing direction, jump up and down etc. We then went onto some static stretching getting the muscles warm. from then i asked all the girls to gr
ab a ball each and queue behind the cone that was placed on the court. The drill consisted of the girls, one by one they throw the ball to the feeder (me), then were to sprint into the circle to catch the ball and take a shot, after taking the 1 shot they were to go to the back of the queue. This was repeated until about 15 - 10 minutes. The next drill was working on centre passes, there were 4 girls so it made it easy to do, i was playing the position centre and the 2 girls without the bibs were playing the attackers while the other 2 girls with the bibs were playing the defenders. The 2 girls without the bibs the attackers had to try and dodge past the defenders to recieve the ball from me. The other 2 girls with the bibs the defenders had to try and stop them from getting free for the ball and defend as much as they could to prevent them from getting out to revcieve the pass. We did this for a repeat of 5 - 10 minutes then changed positions for everyone to get a chance at playing both roles the defender and the attacker. this was agin repeated for the same time 5 - 10 minutes. 2 of the girls had to go for dinner so there were only 2 remaining. We did a little game where the both were the attackers and i was the defender, this would make it harder for the 2 girls to get free and pass but it is good practice for them on pressuring them. They seemed to enjoy the little game with me against them, i think it was a good experience to show them what they will have to play against if they want to go ahead and play for club level. There were 20 minutes left another 2 girlscame back from their dinner so i let them play a litlle 2 vs 2 game until the time had ran out.

Centre passes

If the attackers or defenders go across the line before the start whistle is blowin the player who goes offside will be given a free pass against them, they have to make sure that they do not run out for a centre pass until the whistle has blown.

"On a centre pass if a player enter the central third before the whistle is blown a free pass will be awarded. "(Essex


"You need to use very quick footwork to trick your opponent into moving one way.

Feint to go one way by moving your feet and body.

Once you have your opponent off balance, you can set off in the other direction and into space." (Chioma Ezeogu, BBC sport

Monday, March 10, 2008

11th session

Cancelled for really bad weather!!

Friday, March 7, 2008

10th Session

I did not attend this session as i had to prepare for a university presentation i had the next day.

Monday, March 3, 2008

9th Session

I arrived 15 minutes before the session, i set it up with cones in the correct place. 5 minutes into the session this time 2 girls arrived so we started doing a warm up, where i made them using the red and blue lines only run around on the lines after doing about 3 minutes of running i gathered them together and did some static stretching, stretching again all the muscles. The first drill i had set out was 6 cones placed diagonally, one by one with a ball they had to pass to me then run touch the first cone, then run and touch the second cone etc. all the way to the last (6th) cone, but as they are running and touching the cones they must always keep their eyes on the ball as I'm going to pass the ball back to them during when they are running when they least expect it, then they pass back, but i might repeat passing the ball to them more than once so i know they are focusing and keeping an eye on the ball. Half way through this drill another 2 girls came and joined in the drill.
The next drill i had set up was an attacking drill where again they had a ball each with starting cones on the first third line, they were to pass me the ball and sprint towards the shooting circle, i will pass the ball to them and they have to try and catch the ball and stop before falling into the circle. The pass will be put ahead of the player so it makes it harder for them to catch the ball which increases them to stretch ahead. Different passes was made to keep them aware of what was happening and wher
e the ball was going.
Once finished that drill i moved onto a shooting drill it's very competitive and is called killer.

Killer is where the 2 players at the front of the semi circle have the ball to start, the 1st person will shoot first if they miss the shot they have to quickly run towards the direction of the ball and catch the ball and try to get as close to the post as they can and keep shooting until they score, meanwhile the 2nd person with the ball has to shoot straight away as soon as the 1st person has shoot this is because as soon as the 2nd person shoots and if they score or if they miss but manage to get the ball and score before the 1st person does the 1st person is out. Then the ball goes to the other people in the Que at the top of semi circle, and they do the same until there is only 2 left then that's the final. If however the person who goes 1st scores before the 2nd person the 2nd person is still in as they went 2nd, so the 1st person when they score passes the ball into the front of the Que and that person will have to try and shoot out the other person still shooting.

After that i put everything they had learned in the drills and put them into a game 2 vs 2, again getting them to use some defending, dodging, passing and shooting. 5 were minutes left, so i did a quick cool down some light jogging and some stretching.

Competition Activities

"What all sports competitions have in common is that all of the competitors want to win. But usually only one person or team does." (kids "Competition can make sports more exciting. But because somebody wins and somebody loses, competition also can make kids feel pressure. A little pressure can be OK. Too much pressure is bad news." (kids

The whole part of the competition fun activities is so that the children can have plenty of opportunities for having fun with their friends and most importantly learning new skills.

"Above all, kids should learn to treat everyone with courtesy and respect whether they win or lose. Ideally, while engaged in competition, a child will learn that winning isn't important; what is important is putting forth the best effort possible. Then, as the child grows older and realizes that sustained effort leads to improved performance, she'll learn to compete against the worthiest opponent of all—herself."
(Villaire, T) Villaire - Competition and Kids: It's Not About Winning)

Friday, February 29, 2008

8th Session

I arrived at the school 10 minutes before the session was to start, it was drizzling but it eventually stopped luckily it was just a passing shower. I set my session up with some cones but the wind was far too strong, so i just had to improvise with the different colour lines on the court. I had 6 girls arrive 10 minutes into the session i did a quick warm up just some light jogging to each third red line and back adding some side steps, high knees, lunges and backwards running. After that i then gathered the girls in a circle and did alot of static stretching , stretching all the muscles from head to toe.
We started by getting all the girls paired up and i did a quick reaction time drill,
(in pairs 1 girl has the ball (feeder) and the other girl sits on the floor (worker) just 2 meters in front. the feeder has to shout left or right (the
workers left or right) as the worker stands up in which the feeder passes the ball ahead to the direction shouted forcing the worker to jump up and stretch to the ball). Repeated this exercise until 10 catches were done then they were to swap over roles so everyone has a go at being both the worker and the feeder.
The next drill was again in pairs 1 worker and feeder, this time it involved the worker running to the feeder touching the left foot of the feeder but always keeping an eye on the ball, then the worker is to sprint back to where she started receiving a high ball from the feeder. It is repeated so the worker touches in between the toes (both l & R) and to the right foot and back, repeat circuit 3 times then again change the roles over in the pairs so both again get a chance of being both the worker and the feeder. After that exercise we went into a little 3 vs 3 game trying to put into practise what was learn
ed in the drills, Which was reaction time getting the ball on time and trying to read where the ball is going to. Also the game practise gives the girls practice at moving around into space, passing, defending and shooting. 10 minutes before the end i stopped the game and performed a quick cool down just doing some light jogging and stretching. Looking at this session they have used alot within hand eye co-ordination and that is a positive as this is rather vital in a game of netball.

Hand eye co-ordination

"Hand-eye coordination is the ability of the vision system to coordinate the information received through the eyes to control, guide, and direct the hands in the accomplishment of a given task, such as handwriting or catching a ball. Hand-eye coordination uses the eyes to direct attention and the hands to execute a task." (health of

"Hand and eye co-ordination is usually acquired by the age of 10 in most boys and by the age of 6 or 7 in girls." (yahoo answers) This is because girls play lots of games requiring hand/eye co-ordination including jumping and skipping and as a result they are usually physically advanced by the time they reach age 10.
"Everytime you preform a catch your brain registers that, and supplys that infomation for future catch the only way to improve is practice." (yahoo answers)

Monday, February 25, 2008

7th Session

I arrived at Westoe crown primary school 10 minutes before the session started, i set out my session ready for the girls. I had to wait another 10 minutes before they arrived as they were at choir practise. When the girls arrived i had 2 new starters so i overall had 7 girls in today's session. Like always i began with a warm up getting the girls to run around the court, again shouting left and right making them put their hands on the ground, running backwards, jumping in the air etc. Doing some static stretching afterwards as well. They got into pairs and they were told to do some simple passing making the distance further to make the passes harder. Interception work was the next practise in the session where the children had to pass the ball to a static player while the rest one by one run towards the static player intercepting the pass i try to give to the static player.

Then having 2 runners and the 1 defender, the runners run out diagonally while the defender has to dominate 1 of the runners defending and blocking her which means i have to force the ball out to the other runner. This is repeated until everyone has had a go at trying to defend. We then moved onto a game playing a 3 vs 3 getting them moving around dodging players and defending others while also trying to shoot. 5 minutes left to the end of the session, so do a quick cool down before they go back into their lessons.


Firstly, make sure you're three feet away from the shooter, and secondly make sure you don't touch the ball while they are still holding it. When you're trying to put the shooter off, take a strong position three feet away and stretch your arm over the ball to make things as hard as possible for your opponent. You need to be thinking in terms of creating a barrier between the post and the ball - you are that barrier!
When you're trying to intercept a shot, try to guess when the shooter's going to release the ball. A good idea is to look at their elbow as it'll move just before they shoot. If they do get the shot in, don't give up! Remember to reposition yourself for the rebound. (bbc)

Monday, February 11, 2008

6th session

I arrived 15 minutes before they session started so i could set up the circuit training session i planned. i placed 5 cones in a straight line where they had to run forwards and backwards through them, then they had to run to the next cone about 3 meters in front. once they got to that cone they had to do 5 sit ups or press ups, then placed to left was 8 cones placed diagonally where they had to run zig-zag to the cones. Once they get to the last cone they are to sprint right to the blue cone i placed 10 meters away, to the side of that cone is a hula hoop where the children were to step into the hoop and pull it over there body and keep repeating the circuit until i tell them to stop. The diagram below shows the circuit.

The children arrived and i made the 5 of the children jog around the court while i shout left or right making them run but try and touch the ground when i shouted which means either their left or right hand, also doing some static stretches after. They then stood in a line behind the start of the circuit and when i shouted for each of them to go they would start the circuit. after 15 minutes of doing the circuit i changed the routine so the first 6 cones they had to step 2 feet over each of the cones then run to the cone 3 meters infront and jump 10 times forwards and backwards over the line, then when they approached the 8 diagional cones they had to turn their back onto the cones doing backwards side steps in a zig-zag action. Then the same again when at the last cone sprint and through the hoop, that was repeated for another 15 minutes. after that i was left with 5 children, so i grabbed another 5 cones and placed them randomly around the shooting circle. 1 at a time using the shooting technique, they were to shoot at each cone and see how many shots they would get in and i would randomly perform this once in 3 weeks to check on the progress.

Again 3 of the girls had to leave for dinner so i was left with 2 girls i just did some long distance throwing with them practising shoulder passes and also over head passes, which left us with 5 minutes left which was made for the cool down getting their muscles and body to cool down after the session.

Results of the 5 shoots taken by the remaining 5 girls (week 1);

Lucy - 0/5

Charlotte - 1/5

Louise - 1/5

Alex - 2/5

Erin - 3/5

Circuit training

"Circuit training is an excellent way to improve mobility, strength and stamina.The total number of circuits performed during a training session may vary from two to six depending on your training level (beginner, intermediate, or advanced), your period of training (preparation or competition) and your training objective." (Brian mac)

Advantages of circuit training are:

  • Develops strength and endurance
  • Appropriate form of training for most sports
  • Can be adjusted to suit age, fitness and health of the athlete
  • Exercises are simple enough to make each athlete feel a sense of achievement in completing them
  • A wide range of exercises to select from which will maintain the athlete's enthusiasm

Disadvantages of circuit training are:

  • Many exercises require specialised equipment - e.g. gym equipment
  • Ample space required to set up the circuit exercises & equipment
  • In general can only be conducted where appropriate facilities/equipment are available
  • Use of additional equipment requires appropriate health and safety monitoring

Friday, February 8, 2008

5th Session

I arrived exactly 5 minutes before the session began which means i was running late, so i only had 5 minutes preparation time to set up the session. As from previous sessions there were only 4 or 5 children attending the session., so i had planned out a little session that would be suitable for the amount of people that had turned up. At first i had a quick little warm up that took place, and then 2 of the girls had to go for their lunch, so again i was left with only 3 girls. Which i had to change the session, so i began to do some shooting and defending practises.

All of a sudden about 25 children came towards me saying they had signed up for the netball so i had to start again from the start with doing the warm up and did a little ball skill session with them. I then moved onto a little reaction time fun activity with them as these were different children from the other session so they had not done this practise before. I did not get the whole of this practise delivered as i ran out of time, but for the next session i will be more ready and prepared for the amount of children i have turning up.

Contingency planning and action plans

This is where the coach of a session should be well prepared for anything that might prevent them from providing their coaching session. Coaches should have a back up of their session in case anything stops them from participating in it factors which may affect this are things such as, the weather if it is an outdoor session, the amount of participants you get in a session, if equipment you have is faulty or broke etc. To make this successful coaches should always have an acttion plan of the coaching session ahead to make them prepared in case anything does interupt the session in any way.
This photo shows a basic diagram of what is expecting when planning a contingency plan or action plan, it involves talking to the participants getting their ideas and your own personal ideas of what they need and want within coaching sessions, objectives and factors that may help improve or may distract your coaching sessions in any way and what opportunities the participants will have at the end of each session and programmes.

Monday, February 4, 2008

4th session

I arrived at Westoe school at 11.45 to set up for the session ahead. This time only 1 girl showed up to start with, so i did a warm up with her and did some stretches. I went over with her what was performed in last weeks session and put it to practice at the shooting. Another 2 girls arrived after choir and i did a quick warm up with them, the 1st girl had to leave for dinner so i was left with only 2 again. I moved onto doing some reaction time work with them so they got on the floor and they had to run to the cone as fast as they could. Another 2 girls arrived from the choir and they joined in the session, still focusing on reaction time i moved onto trusting your partner. This was done by throwing the ball at each other and communicating facing different ways. I also walked around holding up different coloured cones, which the children had to shout which colour the cone was whilst passing the ball in pairs. After that activity 2 of the girls had to get off to dinner, so i was left again with only 2 of the girls. As there was only 20 minutes left i let them get into a little half court game, where i became the defender and let the 2 girls become the attackers where they would have to try and get the ball down to try and score a goal. Lastly i then performed a little cool down and then explained about some fitness work in the next following session.

Reaction Time

Reaction time is the interval time between the presentation of a stimulus and the initiation of the muscular response to that stimulus. A primary factor affecting a response is the number of possible stimuli, each requiring their own response, that are presented.

If there is only one possible response (simple reaction time) it will only take a short time to react. If there are several possible responses (choice reaction time) then it will take longer to determine which response to carry out.

The objective of reaction speed drills is to improve your reaction time to a stimulus. The drills can include the control of an object (e.g. football or hockey puck). The cue for the reaction to take place can be visual (movement of an object) or a specific command (voice) or sound (starter's gun). The cue should be appropriate to your event or sport - starter's gun for a sprinter.

Applicable to any event or sport where pure speed over the ground is important
Starting position Lying on the ground on their back or front
Command Voice or sound
Action To get up and sprint 20 metre to 30 metre to a designated point
Notes The designated point could be the coach who moves from point to point so that the athletes only have the sound of the command to initially determine where the coach is positioned

Friday, February 1, 2008

3rd session

The netball session was canceled of really bad weather conditions!!!

Monday, January 28, 2008

2nd session

I arrived at the school at 11.45 so i could prepare my session for the children. 12.05 arrived and 2 girls arrived, they mentioned that there were some other girls to come but they were at the choir at the beginning of the dinner time. This changed everything that i had planned for the session , so everything got canceled and i had to improvise on the session with 2 people. I started firstly by doing a quick warm up running around the court and doing some static stretching. I then moved onto getting a ball between the pair and going through all the different netball passes. Halfway through the practise another 3 girls came from the choir to join in so i gave them a little warm up and gave them a ball each to join in the practice. once i made sure they understood the different passes we moved onto a little fun activity called 'killer'.
I firstly before this gathered them together and went through the shooting technique so they could be able to do the activity, after that we went into a little game on half a court, i had to join in as to make up numbers. at the end we did a little cool down and i mentioned what i had planned for the next following session.

Netball: chest pass

The chest pass is the most accurate way of getting the ball around the court.

As well as getting the ball into the attacking zone, the pass is often used at throw-ins.


Your hands should form a W behind the ball.

Bring your thumbs together in the centre with your fingers comfortably spread out.


When making a pass, step forward with one foot.

This will help you get energy from the floor as you push through with the ball.


Keep your elbows close to your body and push through with the ball.

As you release the ball, straighten your arms and fingers. Keep your wrists pointed upwards to help fully extend your arms.

Keep your eye on the receiver. If you're catching the ball, move towards not away from it.

Netball: overhead pass

If you see a player in space in the next third, the overhead pass is the one to use.

Tall defenders can reach up and intercept the ball, so you must put plenty of power into the pass.


Spread your fingers around the ball but don't let it rest on your palms. Bend your arms and try and keep your elbows in close to your body.

Lift the ball over your head and allow it to drop back slightly - this will give you a little extra push as you release the ball

Put one foot forward as this will help you lean into the pass.


Aim between your team-mate's head and their chest - this should help them catch the ball easier.

Give the ball a little push upwards by getting your whole body weight behind it.

Don't forget to stretch out your arms and fingertips upon release.

Netball: bounce pass

The bounce pass fits the bill when defenders are closing in and you need to act quickly.

Players mostly use this pass inside the goal circle to feed shooters.

Space is restricted in the goal circle and the bounce is often an effective way to weave the ball past the defenders' legs.


A bounce pass can be one or two-handed. When you're ready to make yours, hold the ball at chest height.

Make sure your fingers are pointing towards the floor of the court.

Stand with one of your feet forward so you can bend your knees as you make the pass.


You need to release the ball from waist height. Use the power from your arms and knees as you push the ball forward.

Aim the ball just over halfway between you and the receiver. You need to get it to sit up - this will help your team-mate catch the ball.

Extend your arms as you make the pass to keep the ball on the right path.

Netball: shoulder pass

The shoulder pass is used to cover bigger distances on court than the chest pass.

The ball is thrown at a greater height so it's another way you can outwit defenders.

But it is not a looping pass - your throw should follow a straight line between your shoulder and the receiver's hands.


Shoulder passes are thrown one-handed so make sure you've got a steady grip on the ball. Control it with both hands and bring it up to shoulder level.

Place your throwing hand behind the ball with your fingers spread. You will get more power if you move your opposite foot in front of your body


To get maximum power behind this pass, you need to fully straighten your arm.

Remember your whole arm, right down to your finger tips, must follow through the throw.

Aim to point your fingers in the same direction as the pass. Keep your head up and your eye on the receiver.

Netball: shooting

Shooting in netball

If you want to be a sharp shooter you need to keep your balance, find your aim and use your whole body to make the shot.

You also need to stay focused and calm under pressure.


Shooting in netball

You can shoot from anywhere inside the goal circle, but having a good view of the ring and a balanced position is important.

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and keep your body straight.

Balance the ball on the fingertips of one hand and use your other hand to steady it. Remember, you only have three seconds to take a shot.


Shooting in netball

The power for your shot comes from the floor, so you need to bend your knees as if you are about to jump into the air.

Keep your back straight and your head up. As you prepare to release the ball, drop your hands back behind your head.


Shooting in netball

Try and focus on a point at the back rather than the front of the ring, and let the ball go at the same time as you straighten your legs.

Move your arms as little as possible when you release the ball but add spin by flicking your wrists.

You should end your shot standing on tiptoes with your arms following through towards the ring.

Monday, January 21, 2008

1st Session

I arrived 10 minutes before the session was to start, i was then informed that the session would not be able to go ahead as of really bad rainy weather. I was then informed that they did not have allocated inside hall space for the session to take place. The Head teacher introduced me to the teacher for the year 5's and 6's, she asked me if there is any questions i would like answering about anything. I took this opportunity and asked her what equipment they have, then she showed me the P.E cupboard and everything that was in it was mine to use. after showing the equipment i was shown to the netball court where i would be performing my sessions each week, with the netball posts already placed into the ground of the court. The teacher told me that i can just get the key from the reception when i come in and also to remember to sign in and out when i visit the school. Lastly she mentioned that on a Monday lunchtime i would get the year 6's and on the Friday lunch time i would get the year 5's, 6's and maybe some year 4's. Before i left i was asked to next time i come to bring my CRB form so that they can have a copy of it to show that it is OK for me to do the sessions.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

At the Start

I began by firstly writing letters off to all the primary schools in the south tyneside area, about letting me coach their children in netball and put them into a league situation. I waited 2 weeks before i herd back from any of the schools, Westoe Crown Primary School got in touch with me via email. They were very keen in the idea and asked me if i could start straight away which i agreed to. As no other schools got in touch with me i only had the one school to focus upon which i thought was great. My aim throughout the programme is to analysis the ability of the children and look at their netball standards to see how to make the sessions easy for them to increase their level of knowledge of the sport and the overall ability. By the end of the programme the children should clearly show a great improvement of the sport and their overall knowlegde of it aswell, this can be evaluated in the league games they will be playing in every 2 weeks.