Monday, January 21, 2008

1st Session

I arrived 10 minutes before the session was to start, i was then informed that the session would not be able to go ahead as of really bad rainy weather. I was then informed that they did not have allocated inside hall space for the session to take place. The Head teacher introduced me to the teacher for the year 5's and 6's, she asked me if there is any questions i would like answering about anything. I took this opportunity and asked her what equipment they have, then she showed me the P.E cupboard and everything that was in it was mine to use. after showing the equipment i was shown to the netball court where i would be performing my sessions each week, with the netball posts already placed into the ground of the court. The teacher told me that i can just get the key from the reception when i come in and also to remember to sign in and out when i visit the school. Lastly she mentioned that on a Monday lunchtime i would get the year 6's and on the Friday lunch time i would get the year 5's, 6's and maybe some year 4's. Before i left i was asked to next time i come to bring my CRB form so that they can have a copy of it to show that it is OK for me to do the sessions.

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